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News & Updates

Next meeting will be Monday February 10.   6 PM Board Meeting, 7 PM General Membership meeting at the Round Table Pizza in Woodland.  See you there!  Please attend, member renewals will both be occurring.  Reminder that the lock on the gate will be updated during the week after the membership meeting.

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Meet Our Newest Members

July 2023

We would like to welcome our newest members.  If you see them out at the field, please introduce yourself and make them welcome.


Ken Silz

Nick Lawrence

Richard Stanton

Peter Watkins

Rich Bonem


Welcome gents, see you on the flight line!


Introducing Our Officers and Board Members

January 2023

Officer Spotlight:  Forrest Barton, Vice President

Forrest Barton has been serving as an officer or board member of WDA since 1992.  As an avid modeler his entire life, he was introduced as a boy to aviation by his father who has been an avid modeler all of his life.  Over the years Forrest has dabbled in just about every facet of model aviation you can think of.  As a kid he was involved with sport flying and introduced to competition with the Society of Antique Modelers.  He also spent time with sailplanes, float flying and flew control line with his father.  Through high school he worked in the hobby at a local hobby shop.  While doing that he dabbled with helicopters for a few years.  He also got his full size private pilots license.  Over the course of all these years his focus has always been centered around scale aircraft.  He is currently an AMA District 10 AVP for Northern California and an AMA Contest Coordinator for Northern District 10.  Forrest has two boys, who are also budding aeromodelers.  Forrest is also a past President of WDA, first serving in that capacity when he was still in High School!

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