Frequently Asked Questions
Useful Info in progress.....
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of common questions and answers about our Club. Browse the section, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

When and Where do Woodland Davis Aeromodelers meet?
Woodland Davis Aeromodelers meets on the second Monday of the month at the Round Table Pizza located at 421 Pioneer Ave Suite F in Woodland at 7 PM. New members and guests are highlighted at the beginning of the general membership meeting.

How do I join the Club and want do I need to start for the first time?
WDA accepts membership applications throughout the year. The membership application is posted on the website under the Join Us tab. WDA is an AMA sanctioned club, so a new membership application must be accompanied by proof of Academy of Model Aeronautics membership. AMA provides important insurance for the site and individual liability insurance, publishes Model Aviation magazine to its members and is an important resource in making sure that modeling operations in the airspace are coordinated with full scale users and the FAA.

Do I have to be a Club member to come to the flying site?
Our flying site is open 7 days a week to the club membership. If members are present, the gate will be open and we welcome visitors. Members are happy to show off their models, but please make sure to keep a close eye on children and please leash your pet.